Live fire qualification courses require a minimum score to pass. Although it is not required, DART courses can also be set up with pass/fail scoring.
Since a minimum passing score affects the entire course, you will find it in the Course menu.
Two options work together to determine a pass or fail grade; the Score Type button and the Minimum Passing Score slider.
The Scoring button has two options; Points and Percent of Hits. Once the preferred scoring method is selected, the Minimum Passing Score slider is used to set the actual passing score. The minimum and maximum values of the slider change based on the Score Type, so let’s look at the Score Type options first.
Points is the most common type of scoring. When the Points option is selected, the scoring slider can be set between 0 and 300. The setting represents the minimum score that must be achieved across all stages of a course to pass the course. For example, if the slider is set to 80, the shooter must score 80 or more points during a course to pass. A score of 79 or less would be considered a failing score. A setting of 0 means that any score will pass the course.
The total score is the sum of all points scored in all stages of a course. Depending on your course it could include points from flat targets, TruTargets, or video sequences
Points for flat targets and video sequences are set in the Flat Targets/Video Sequence menus with the Points+ commands.
Points for TruTargets are set in the TruTargets menu with Points commands.
Percent of Hits is a different but powerful way to score a course. When Percent of Hits is selected, the scoring slider can be set between 1 and 100. The slider value represents the percentage of shots that must hit a target to pass the course. For example, if the slider is set to 50, at least half (50%) of the shooter’s shots must hit the target to pass.
Percent of Hits is the sum of all hits made in all stages of a course. Depending on your course it could include points from flat targets, TruTargets, and video sequences.
If you use this type of scoring it's important to understand what constitutes a “hit” in DART. Any shot that results in a score of 1 or more is considered a hit. Shots that result in a score of 0 or less are considered a miss.
For example, if you are using a hostage type target you may set the point value of the hostage area to equal negative 5 points. In this case, shooting the hostage would be considered a miss when using Percent of Hits as the scoring method. In this way, you have precise control over what is considered a passing grade. You could set the score for a target so that the bulls-eye is 1 point and all other rings are 0 points. In this way, you could require a certain percentage of bulls-eyes in order to pass the course.